Pilates intelligent exercise

Jump Board Pilates on the Reformer

A Reformer Pilates session tailored for clients who want an intensive aerobic workout combined with a balanced range of exercises, but emphasising strengthening of the legs and the core stabilising muscles. Ideal for weight control, assisting weight loss, and as preparation for sports such as skiing and running. This specialised small group class has up to four people, doing the same exercises together, and is led by a Body Magic™ Pilates Instructor. 

Session Time:  50 minutes, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30am
Session Cost:  $43 per session / $380 for 10 sessions


To make a booking please:

Phone:  04 499 7261
Email:   This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bookings are essential for all sessions and classes

Cancellations require 24 hours notice